Excerpt includes: It's Television, Dee Davis, Don Cherry, Today Show, Selling Gold, Cutaways.
1) "It's Television" by TVTV. A spoof of early TV in the U.S. in the early 1950s. A middle class family gets their first TV and the whole neighborhood comes to watch. Sit back and light up a Camel.
2) Dee Davis commentary by Appalshop. Davis comments on TV: The problem with television is that programming is developed to sell things. TV should change peoples lives, should offer new enthusiasm, should make the lame walk and the blind see.
3) "Don Cherry" by Starr Sutherland. A musician at the Victoria Theater in San Francisco plays a 3 in 1 instrument: a kazoo, a Jews harp and a clicker.
4) "The Today Show" by Nancy Cain. Cain observes a live outdoor taping of The Today Show in Venice Beach, California. We see Bryant Gumbel and Frank Zappa, Jay Leno visits a falafel stand and attracts a crowd.
5) "Selling Gold" by Skip Blumberg. On Chambers and Broadway in New York City, a street vendor sells gold jewelry.
6) "Cutaways" by R.D. Rosen. A comedic piece in which Rosen demonstrates how to shoot cutaways, a TV production trick to cover jump cuts in an interview. The camera records the interviewer pretending to listen intently, looking doubtful, mildly astonished, etc. He also shows us the wrong way to appear in the cutaways: nodding off to sleep, flossing your teeth, etc.

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