"The mile high city is rocked when an ancient Egyptian menace comes to town, and the Denver Ghostbusters must return to save the universe once more. In this sequel to the internet cult hit Freddy VS Ghostbusters, the boys in gray find themselves up to their eyeballs in spooks, as a greater threat looms on the horizon..."
"A talented cast and crew made up entirely of volunteers (see also: fanatics) worked over the internet and across borders for over two years. Featuring dazzling special effects, an original score, and an engaging story inhabited by quirky characters, this feature length film is a truly one of a kind fan made experience."
Fan films are supposed to be just that, films for the fans. Braxton Film definitely took this in to play. This movie can't be used for commercial use, for copyright laws and whatnot. The fact that they knew this, and still took the time and money to make a very good fan film is an amazing feat. I have watched many, many fan films, honestly haven't seen to many good ones, most of them, it is a swing and a miss. But with Return of the Ghostbusters, I was beyond impressed. Braxton Film put together a great movie, with great actors, a good script, great special effects, for in-house effects. It's not your Hollywood glorified CGI, but it does a damn good job. It related great with the old Ghostbuster movies, definitely made for the fans, they kept all the same Ghostbuster language, same types of equipment, etc. Definitely a great storyline, it seems like one that could've been used in a real ghostbusters sequel. Bottom line, I was impressed. Damn good job Braxton Film, I will always trust you in the future, because you make true fan films, not pathetic attempts, like most fan films out there. I enjoyed watching this movie a lot more that a lot of the crap Hollywood is putting out these days. It is nice to see someone who truly cares, and isn't just sucked in by the money. 10 stars, best Fan Film out there, hands down. Also, reference Freddy vs. The Ghostbusters, it is somewhat of a prequel. Keep up the good work, Braxton.
This is a non profit fan film. It was made by fans and is not for sale. "GHOSTBUSTERS" and "GHOST DESIGN" are registered trademarks of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. © All Rights Reserved

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